Friday, February 22, 2008

Sick kind of cute

I didn't know sick could be cute
but you proved me wrong
nose was whistling like you were singing a song
pressed so tightly, riding on the T
and when you coughed
I never once, baulked
It speaks to being lonely when you get the feeling
When you know this is the only time
Your shield starts peeling
It's gotta be that contact, gotta be that touch
Albeit a neutral one, it doesn't feel like such
When the train stops we clunk back together
and when it goes forward, our connection does sever
This back and forth, back and forth
feels cerebrally like sex
but, don't worry, on the train I didn't reach my apex ;)


Blogger malevolent-mimi said...

Ahh I like this poem! Some people actually do sound really cute when sick ^_^

But whaat's an Apex? Is that like Ipod or something?

February 28, 2008 at 11:26 AM  
Blogger Fate and Shayna - because one name is never enough said...

Wow, thank you! Apex means the tippy top of something, but I used it as a metaphor for an orgasm heheh.

March 3, 2008 at 4:45 PM  

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